Some years ago, I wrote a series of haiku about Lightner doubles:
Double is Lightner
Asking for a heart? A spade?
A diamond or club?
Double is Lightner
Asking for whatever suit
That partner wants led
Double is Lightner
But, when they rewind, I think:
Was it stripe-tailed ape?
Try a passive trump
The only lead to beat it?
They run thirteen tricks
While Mr. Lightner had a very nice concept, the pitfalls are many. The following situation came up in a Swiss event yesterday:
At red v. white, you hold AKTxxxxx – xx Kxx in second seat. The auction proceeds:
6H-P - P-P/X
At one table the partner of this hand passed, at the other he doubled (and all passed). What would you lead in each case? Assume you have a good partner but haven’t specifically discussed this kind of situation. If you would bid differently, feel free to chime in as well.
Update: In fact partner of the given hand held Qxxx Txx Axx xxx. The double was based on a suspicion that the opponents were saving (probably not a good double even if it meant that, with only one trick.) A diamond was led at the table with the double and the contract was unbeatable, with declarer having J AQJxxxxxx x Ax and dummy -- K KQJTxxx QJxxx. At my table I declared 6H undoubled -- I'm with Drew and Kenny who led a club here, but the opponents led a spade tapping dummy and I had to take the club hook and go down.
Should the double be Lightner? I think so. A better hand could have maybe bid 5H as a slam try rather than 5S, after which a double would clearly just mean it's our hand. But it's not totally clear, so the hand on lead could have guessed that partner didn't have a diamond void and led something else, especially since it's not clear where you get a second trick other than SA if partner is ruffing a diamond. It's best to have as many partnership agreements as possible, but if on uncertain ground it's ok to look at your hand and make a practical guess. Best to know what partner means and not be in that position!
BTW you can make 5S on an endplay, so anyone who saves at red/white beats a club leader this time (although I don't think I would.)